Jan 25, 2012

Benefit Eye Bright: Multiple Ways on How to Use

This cute little pencil really does wonders! before I thought that I can replace this with a white eyeliner pencil, but using white eyeliner pencil makes it look really white, so scratch that. though white eyeliner pencil is great for lining the lower middle waterline (only in the middle, it mainly to give contrast to the brown area of your eye) enough white eyeliner, I read and watched a good amount of reviews for this tiny pencil and I thought that I can also use this for other areas of my face not just in the lid or inner corners of your eye!

Draw a fish around your eye. Put less on the eyebags area, you don't want it to look too white. Remember to blend (semi tap and semi smear)

This is what I usually do to really touch the outer corner of my eye, with less strokes!

Lower waterline. It gives more brightening effect to your eyes, makes it look more awake.

Pat a little under the brow bone. SPREAD! Again, you don't want it too white.

On the side your nose. This area usually gives unflattering shadows to your face.

last but not the least! I sometimes also use this as a highlighter, dabbing it just above the cheeks (some highlighter gives me that oily effect by mid day, and I hate it), not too much. Just to give an ample brightening effect because it has micro glitters! :)

Let me know what you think!



  1. How much is this pencil?
    I'm looking for a flesh, peach or pinkish toned eyeliner for my water line.

    White looks to stark on me.

  2. It's actually has a pinkish shade. and has minimal micro glitters :)
