Nov 21, 2011

What I'm Currently Reading

I'm not really into the whole Twilight - vampire hype going on. but I tried reading a book series on Vampires (mind you I'm not really a fan of vampires!) it's the Vampire Academy, which is surprisingly really good. I just didn't really enjoyed the first book, but I still gave it another shot and I'm not disappointed! it led on to the next book etc. etc. until I finished the whole series that I see a new light to vampire novels (Mind you again, I'm still not a fan of any Twilight sh*t)

There are a lot of mix reviews about The House of Night series, some even call it cliche or similar to Vampire Academy series. (Yeah Yeah, I know, I know, it's a Teeny Bopper book. But reading YA novels are really fun! It's light and entertaining. Try it!) Well in my opinion, it is kinda similar to VA series, the first thing that's similar is well..they both have a vampire school in the story and 2nd they are all blood suckers. what I don't like is the way the author wrote the story and co-writing it with her daughter to make it "teen-ish" and there are times when the lead character is thinking, there are side comments like "tee-hee" and "hee-hee" What's up with that? It makes the novel look unprofessional. I just read the first book and I'm on the 2nd one, my OCness is already kicking in. When I read a book series, I need to read the next book and the next and the next and there are 9 books! and I think there would be more! (Goodluck to me!) I have all of the 8 books (thank you Snak!) The 9th book was released just last week of October (Updated?) I just wish that the author knows when to stop, like when to end the series, because it might be trending now but maybe next year it won't. Like for the VA, the author said in the interview that she wants to end the series when it's still on the top, not when no one's reading it anymore.

What really got me hooked? Their book covers! They are crazy awesome!

 9th Book

Are you reading HON too? :)


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